You are called for a purpose


You are called for a purpose

Every believer has a work to do on God's purpose for the earth. He predestined you before you were created. He created a divine mission for you.

“For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. And those whom he predestined he also called; And those whom he called he also justified; And those whom he justified he also glorified. ” (Romans 8: 29-30)

You are born again and have perfected children. Because you were bought for glory, you can look forward to a beautiful and beautiful life ahead of you. Think of what Jacob did to be chosen by God! He did nothing. Before she was born, God loved Jacob, but I hated Esau (Romans 9:13).

The good news is that Jacob was God's choice, and so are we. It is not by what we do, but by divine choice and opportunity. You are called for more than that; God told Jeremiah that he had been chosen before he became pregnant

“I knew you before you were born, and I proceeded to make you holy and to make you a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1: 5) He said! You see, before he was born, he was sanctified and anointed not only for salvation, but also as a prophet for the Gentiles. In the same way, every believer is identified for a purpose. That is what we call revelation. People of purpose know why they are here.

So, my dear friends, My message for today seems to be the same. I love you so much, May the God of heaven bless your seed, your life, your home, your time, and your marriage.

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