Spiritual aging

Spiritual aging

 Spiritual Aging: When you stop being a part of the spiritual world and become a member.

Spiritual aging: Retiring from the spiritual world, which means having no authority.

Spiritual aging means getting used to the house of God, which means getting used to it. Unorthodox Christians are ungodly Christians.

Spiritual aging is when you stop being guided by your spirit and begin to be guided by your emotions.  

Spiritual aging means when you stop being guided by the Word of God and begin to be guided by the Word of Man. Older believers look to the word of God rather than to the word of God.

Spiritual Aging: When you stop praying, you start praying.

Spiritual aging is when you change from carrying a load to carrying a load. It means to stop spiritual growth. It means growing up without growing.

Spiritual aging means using spiritual poles outside of the Lord for your life. Spiritual aging is the enemy of something new.

"Wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him." (2 Corinthians 4:16)
