Reward or gift Rewards

 Reward or gift Rewards 

product of the winner's efforts, and gifts reflect the giver's generosity or friendship. Rewards are something we receive. Gifts are a gift from God. Rewards are something we deserve, but gifts are something we do not deserve.

Christ Jesus was given to us, not to us. We were given a gift to live, but we did not receive a reward. The Bible tells us that God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son, not to be rewarded. (John 3: 16).

He may give gifts to all his loved ones, But not everyone who loves is rewarded. If Jesus were a reward, none of us would be saved. But it is a gift, and we receive it with love.

If we do not work for salvation, if we do not work for righteousness, but if we are saved by grace, Jesus is the gift of life, not a reward. There is no such thing as a free gift, but a free gift. Jesus is our gift!

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